Our trusted referrals
Below is a list of incredible individuals whom we highly recommend!
Health and Fitness
Nexus Fitness
Meet Gil and Gina. Through their shared passion for personal development, they discovered the transformative power of strength training and the importance of a balanced lifestyle. They experienced firsthand how integrating physical fitness, nutrition, stress management, and mindset coaching could revolutionize their lives, and they became determined to share their newfound knowledge with others.
Tarot Readings & Intuitive Healing
Sailor Tarot Magic
Meet Sally. She is a Tarot Reader & Intuitive Healer. She offers amazing, on-point, and extremely helpful readings!
Self-Care Coaching, Heartbreak Healing, and Lifestyle Creation
The Self-Care Boss
Meet Elmira, also known as "Doctah E." She uses her experience with breakup to help singles learn to love themselves. Her monthly Get Over Your Ex workshop literally gets the emotions moving out of your body. "We dance like crazy and that makes all the difference." She is an international healer who uses all the senses to heal broken hearts.